Lovefield Wireless Lovefield Wireless

Publications & Pa­tents

Rel­e­vant ear­lier work that mo­ti­vated the for­ma­tion of Love­field Wire­less is listed be­low.
Version: 2024-Apr-05

Some doc­u­ments avail­able be­low might be pro­tected by copy­right. By click­ing on 'Down­load', it is as­sumed that you con­firm that you or your in­sti­tu­tion has the right to do so. Defini­tive ver­sions of all IEEE pa­pers are avail­able from the IEEE Xplore Dig­i­tal Li­brary at ACM pa­pers can be down­loaded from

1. Books

Lars Ber­le­mann, Ste­fan Man­gold; Cog­ni­tive Ra­dio and Dy­namic Spec­trum Ac­cess, Wi­ley, 2009. (avail­able from publisher)

Bern­hard H. Walke, Ste­fan Man­gold, Lars Ber­le­mann; IEEE 802 Wire­less Sys­tems: Pro­to­cols, Multi-Hop Mesh / Re­lay­ing, Per­for­mance and Spec­trum Coex­is­tence, Wi­ley, 2007. (avail­able from publisher )

2. Monographs

2.1 PhD Thesis Stefan Mangold

Man­gold, Ste­fan, Anal­y­sis of IEEE 802.11e and ap­pli­ca­tion of game mod­els for sup­port of qual­ity of ser­vice in co­ex­ist­ing wire­less net­works, RWTH Aachen, 2003. (download)

2.2 MSc Thesis Stefan Mangold

Man­gold, Ste­fan, Eval­u­a­tion of the OFDM Mul­ti­car­rier Trans­mis­sion Scheme for Ra­dio Chan­nels by Means of Ray-Trac­ing. RWTH Aachen, 1998 (download)

3. Articles (see also Google Scholar)

Adri­ano Galati, Alek­sejs Sa­zonovs, Maria Oli­vares, Ste­fan Man­gold, Thomas R. Gross (2016) De­lay Tol­er­ant Net­work­ing for the So­cio-Eco­nomic Devel­op­ment in Ru­ral South Africa.  GOODTECHS 2016: 195-202

San­dra Siby, Adri­ano Galati, Theodoros Bour­chas, Maria Oli­vares, Thomas R. Gross, Ste­fan Man­gold (2015) METhoD: A Frame­work for the Emu­la­tion of a De­lay Tol­er­ant Net­work Sce­nario for Me­dia-Con­tent Distri­bu­tion in Un­der-Served Re­gions.  ICCCN 2015: 1-9

Adri­ano Galati, Theodoros Bour­chas, Maria Oli­vares, Ste­fan Man­gold (2015) DTN-en­abled In­fo­s­ta­tion and Cinema-in-a-Back­pack.  DIYNet­work­ing@Mo­biSys 2015: 7-10

Adri­ano Galati, Ste­fan Man­gold, Me­lani Prinsloo, Luís Almeida, Danie Behr (2014) Eth­i­cal Chal­lenges in the MOSAIC 2B project.  NS Ethics@SIGCOMM 2015: 9-12

Adri­ano Galati, Theodoros Bour­chas, San­dra Siby, Seth Frey, Maria Oli­vares, Ste­fan Man­gold (2014) Mo­bile-en­abled De­lay Tol­er­ant Net­work­ing in Ru­ral Devel­op­ing Re­gions.  GHTC 2014: 699-705.

Adri­ano Galati, Theodoros Bour­chas, San­dra Siby, Ste­fan Man­gold (2014) Sys­tem Ar­chi­tec­ture for De­lay Tol­er­ant Me­dia Distri­bu­tion for Ru­ral South Africa.  WiNTECH 2014: 65-72

Adri­ano Galati, Vladimir Vukadi­novic, Maria Oli­vares, Ste­fan Man­gold (2013) An­a­lyz­ing tem­po­ral met­rics of pub­lic trans­porta­tion for de­sign­ing scal­able de­lay-tol­er­ant net­works.  PM2HW2N@MSWiM 2013 : 37-44

Sch­mid, Ste­fan; von Deschwan­den, Ben­jamin; Man­gold, Ste­fan; Gross, Thomas R, Adap­tive Soft­ware-De­fined Vis­i­ble Light Com­mu­ni­ca­tion Net­works, Pro­ceed­ings of the Se­cond In­ter­na­tional Con­fer­ence on In­ter­net-of-Things De­sign and Im­ple­men­ta­tion, 109-120, ACM, 2017.

Sch­mid, Ste­fan; Rich­ner, Thomas; Man­gold, Ste­fan; Gross, Thomas R, EnLight­ing: An In­door Vis­i­ble Light Com­mu­ni­ca­tion Sys­tem Based on Net­worked Light Bulbs, Sens­ing, Com­mu­ni­ca­tion, and Net­work­ing (SECON), 2016 13th An­nual IEEE In­ter­na­tional Con­fer­ence on, 1-9, IEEE, 2016.

Sch­mid, Ste­fan; Cor­bellini, Gior­gio; Man­gold, Ste­fan; Gross, Thomas R, LED-to-LED vis­i­ble light com­mu­ni­ca­tion net­works, Pro­ceed­ings of the four­teenth ACM in­ter­na­tional sym­po­sium on Mo­bile ad hoc net­work­ing and com­put­ing, 1-10, ACM, 2013.

Kri­ara, Lito; Al­sup, Matthew; Cor­bellini, Gior­gio; Trot­ter, Matthew; Grif­fin, Joshua D; Man­gold, Ste­fan, RFID shak­ables: Pair­ing ra­dio-fre­quency iden­ti­fi­ca­tion tags with the help of ges­ture recog­ni­tion, Pro­ceed­ings of the ninth ACM con­fer­ence on Emerg­ing net­work­ing ex­per­i­ments and tech­nolo­gies, 327-332, ACM, 2013.

Glaropou­los, Ioan­nis; Man­gold, Ste­fan; Vukadi­novic, Vladimir, En­hanced IEEE 802.11 power sav­ing for multi-hop toy-to-toy com­mu­ni­ca­tion, Green Com­put­ing and Com­mu­ni­ca­tions (GreenCom), 2013 IEEE and In­ter­net of Things (iThings/CPSCom), IEEE In­ter­na­tional Con­fer­ence on and IEEE Cy­ber, Phys­i­cal and So­cial Com­put­ing, 603-610, IEEE, 2013.

Cor­bellini, Gior­gio; Ak­sit, Kaan; Sch­mid, Ste­fan; Man­gold, Ste­fan; Gross, Thomas, Con­nect­ing net­works of toys and smart­phones with vis­i­ble light com­mu­ni­ca­tion, IEEE Com­mu­ni­ca­tions Magazine, 52, 7, 72-78, IEEE, 2014.

Glaropou­los, Ioan­nis; Vukadi­novic, Vladimir; Man­gold, Ste­fan, Con­tiki80211: An IEEE 802.11 ra­dio link layer for the Con­tiki OS, High Per­for­mance Com­put­ing and Com­mu­ni­ca­tions, 2014 IEEE 6th Intl Symp on Cy­berspace Safety and Se­cu­rity, 2014 IEEE 11th In­ter­na­tional Con­fer­ence on Embed­ded Soft­ware and Sys­tems (HPCC, CSS, ICESS), 2014 IEEE Intl Conf on, 621-624, IEEE, 2014.

Bergamini, Lorenzo; Cor­bellini, Gior­gio; Man­gold, Ste­fan, Re­source-con­strained medium ac­cess con­trol pro­to­col for wear­able de­vices, Wire­less and Mo­bile Com­put­ing, Net­work­ing and Com­mu­ni­ca­tions (WiMob), 2014 IEEE 10th In­ter­na­tional Con­fer­ence on, 634-641, IEEE, 2014.

Frigg, Ro­man; Gross, Thomas R; Man­gold, Ste­fan, Multi-chan­nel acous­tic data trans­mis­sion to ad-hoc mo­bile phone ar­rays, ACM SIGGRAPH 2013 Mo­bile, 20, ACM, 2013.

Sch­mid, Ste­fan; Ziegler, Josef; Cor­bellini, Gior­gio; Gross, Thomas R; Man­gold, Ste­fan, Us­ing con­sumer LED light bulbs for low-cost vis­i­ble light com­mu­ni­ca­tion sys­tems, Pro­ceed­ings of the 1st ACM Mo­biCom work­shop on Vis­i­ble light com­mu­ni­ca­tion sys­tems, 9-14, ACM, 2014.

Sch­mid, Ste­fan; Bour­chas, Theodoros; Man­gold, Ste­fan; Gross, Thomas R, Linux light bulbs: En­abling in­ter­net pro­to­col con­nec­tiv­ity for light bulb net­works, Pro­ceed­ings of the 2nd In­ter­na­tional Work­shop on Vis­i­ble Light Com­mu­ni­ca­tions Sys­tems, 3-8, ACM, 2015.

Cor­bellini, Gior­gio; Sch­mid, Ste­fan; Man­gold, Ste­fan, Two-Way Com­mu­ni­ca­tion Pro­to­col Us­ing Blue­tooth Low En­ergy Ad­ver­tise­ment Frames, Pro­ceed­ings of the 1st In­ter­na­tional Work­shop on Ex­pe­ri­ences with the De­sign and Im­ple­men­ta­tion of Smart Ob­jects, 19-24, ACM, 2015.

Lam, Yawhuei; Varga, Vi­rag; Kri­ara, Lito; Gross, Thomas; Man­gold, Ste­fan, TouchCom-Creat­ing Real Ex­cal­ibur Ex­pe­ri­ence with Body Touch Com­mu­ni­ca­tion, Pro­ceed­ings of the 13th An­nual In­ter­na­tional Con­fer­ence on Mo­bile Sys­tems, Ap­pli­ca­tions, and Ser­vices, 453-453, ACM, 2015.

Varga, Vi­rag; Kri­ara, Lito; Vukadi­novic, Vladimir; Gross, Thomas; Man­gold, Ste­fan, Bring­ing the In­ter­net of Toys to Life, Pro­ceed­ings of the 13th An­nual In­ter­na­tional Con­fer­ence on Mo­bile Sys­tems, Ap­pli­ca­tions, and Ser­vices, 461-461, ACM, 2015.

Vukadi­novic, Vladimir; Dreier, Fabian; Man­gold, Ste­fan, Im­pact of hu­man mo­bil­ity on wire­less ad hoc net­work­ing in en­ter­tain­ment parks, Ad Hoc Net­works, 12, 17-34, El­se­vier, 2014.

Vukadi­novic, Vladimir; Glaropou­los, Ioan­nis; Man­gold, Ste­fan, En­hanced power sav­ing mode for low-la­tency com­mu­ni­ca­tion in multi-hop 802.11 net­works, Ad hoc net­works, 23, 18-33, El­se­vier, 2014.

Man­gold, Ste­fan; Choi, Sunghyun; Hiertz, Guido R; Klein, Ole; Walke, Bern­hard, Anal­y­sis of IEEE 802.11 e for QoS sup­port in wire­less LANs, IEEE wire­less com­mu­ni­ca­tions, 10, 6, 40-50, IEEE, 2003.

Ber­le­mann, Lars; Hiertz, Guido R; Walke, Bern­hard H; Man­gold, Ste­fan, Ra­dio re­source shar­ing games: en­abling QoS sup­port in un­li­censed bands, IEEE net­work, 19, 4, 59-65, IEEE, 2005.

Man­gold, Ste­fan; Ber­le­mann, Lars, IEEE 802.11k: im­prov­ing con­fi­dence in ra­dio re­source mea­sure­ments, Per­sonal, In­door and Mo­bile Ra­dio Com­mu­ni­ca­tions, 2005. PIMRC 2005. IEEE 16th In­ter­na­tional Sym­po­sium on, 2, 1009-1013, IEEE, 2005.

Man­gold, S; Jarosch, A; Mooney, C, Oper­a­tor as­sisted dy­namic spec­trum as­sign­ment with dual bea­cons, Com­mu­ni­ca­tions, 2006 In­ter­na­tional Zurich Sem­i­nar on, 54-57, IEEE, 2006.

Hiertz, Guido R; Zang, Yun­peng; Max, Se­bas­tian; Junge, Thomas; Weiss, Erik; Wolz, Benedikt; Den­te­neer, Dee; Ber­le­mann, Lars; Man­gold, Ste­fan, IEEE 802.11s: WLAN mesh stan­dard­iza­tion and high per­for­mance ex­ten­sions, IEEE net­work, 22, 3, IEEE, 2008.

Collins, Kevin; Man­gold, Ste­fan; Mun­tean, Gabriel-Miro, Sup­port­ing mo­bile de­vices with wire­less LAN/MAN in large con­trolled en­vi­ron­ments, IEEE Com­mu­ni­ca­tions Magazine, 48, 12, 36-43, IEEE, 2010.

Man­gold, Ste­fan; Gross, Thomas R, A dual-ra­dio con­tention-based pro­to­col for paired spec­trum ac­cess and TV white space, Wire­less On-de­mand Net­work Sys­tems and Ser­vices (WONS), 2012 9th An­nual Con­fer­ence on, 107-112, IEEE, 2012.

Kim, Joongheon; Tian, Yafei; Man­gold, Ste­fan; Molisch, An­dreas F, Joint scal­able cod­ing and rout­ing for 60 GHz real-time live HD video stream­ing ap­pli­ca­tions, IEEE Trans­ac­tions on Broad­cast­ing, 59, 3, 500-512, IEEE, 2013.

Sch­mid, Ste­fan; Sch­wyn, Daniel; Akşit, Kaan; Cor­bellini, Gior­gio; Gross, Thomas R; Man­gold, Ste­fan, From sound to sight: Us­ing au­dio pro­cess­ing to en­able vis­i­ble light com­mu­ni­ca­tion, Globe­com Work­shops (GC Wk­shps), 2014, 518-523, IEEE, 2014.

Gross, Thomas R; Man­gold, Ste­fan; Sch­mid, Ste­fan, Soft­ware-cen­tric VLC net­work­ing for the IoT, Pho­ton­ics So­ci­ety Sum­mer Topi­cal Meet­ing Series (SUM), 2016 IEEE, 62-63, IEEE, 2016.

Vukadi­novic, Vladimir; Man­gold, Ste­fan, Op­por­tunis­tic wire­less com­mu­ni­ca­tion in theme parks: a study of vis­i­tors mo­bil­ity, Pro­ceed­ings of the 6th ACM work­shop on Chal­lenged net­works, 3-8, ACM, 2011.

Vukadi­novic, Vladimir; Man­gold, Ste­fan, Per­for­mance of col­lab­o­ra­tive GPS lo­cal­iza­tion in pedes­trian ad hoc net­works, Pro­ceed­ings of the third ACM in­ter­na­tional work­shop on Mo­bile Op­por­tunis­tic Net­works, 45-52, ACM, 2012.

Man­gold, Ste­fan; Zhong, Zhun; Hiertz, Guido R; Walke, Bern­hard, IEEE 802.11 e/802.11 k wire­less LAN: spec­trum aware­ness for dis­trib­uted re­source shar­ing, Wire­less Com­mu­ni­ca­tions and Mo­bile Com­put­ing, 4, 8, 881-902, Wi­ley On­line Li­brary, 2004.

4. Patents

Acous­tic Data Trans­mis­sion Based on Groups of Au­dio Re­ceivers. US2014172141 (A1), 2014-06-19.

Ap­pa­ra­tus and Method for Man­age­ment In­for­ma­tion Base Table for Stor­ing and Ac­cess­ing Medium Sens­ing Time His­togram Mea­sure­ment Re­sults. Kr20060097023 (a),, Cn1868171 (a), 2006-11-22.

Au­di­olo­ca­tion Method and Sys­tem Com­bin­ing Use of Au­dio Finger­print­ing and Au­dio Water­mark­ing. US2015341890 (A1), 2015-11-26.

Car­rier Sense-based Rang­ing. US2012269080 (A1), 2012-10-25.

Cel­lu­lar Wire­less Lan With Fre­quency Divi­sion Mul­ti­plex in Tv White Space. US2011222493 (A1), 2011-09-15.

Com­bi­na­tion of Mea­sure­ment Values From Mo­bile Sta­tions for Set­ting, Up­dat­ing Ra­dio Field Database for Wire­less, Mo­bile Ra­dio Net­works In­volves Com­bin­ing Mea­sure­ment and Lo­ca­tion Data. De19920587 (A1), 2000-11-16.

Co­or­di­nat­ing Ra­dio Re­source Usage in Un­li­censed Fre­quency Bands. US2006148482 (A1), Cn1809998 (a), 2006-07-26.

De­tec­tion of the Oper­a­tion of a Mi­crowave Oven by Scan­ning the Medium Noise Pat­tern. US2009149135 (A1), 2009-06-11.

Distributed Ren­dezvous Chan­nel and Fre­quency Chan­nel Group­ing Mech­a­nisms for Mul­tichan­nel Wire­less Sys­tems. Tw200814683 (a), 2008-03-16.

Dy­namic Fre­quency Selec­tion Scheme for Ieee 802.11 Wlans. US2002060995 (A1), US2002188723 (A1), 2002-12-12.

En­abling Authen­ti­ca­tion and/or Ef­fec­tu­at­ing Events in Vir­tual En­vi­ron­ments Based on Shak­ing Pat­terns and/or En­vi­ron­men­tal In­for­ma­tion As­so­ci­ated With Real-world Hand­held De­vices. US2015013004 (A1), 2015-01-08.

Fa­cil­i­tat­ing Ges­ture-based As­so­ci­a­tion of Mul­ti­ple De­vices. US2015009116 (A1), 2015-01-08.

Light Com­mu­ni­ca­tion Between User De­vices and Phys­i­cal Ob­jects. US2015050994 (A1), 2015-02-19.

Mea­sur­ing Medium Ac­tiv­ity Pat­terns in Wire­less Net­works and Deriv­ing In­for­ma­tion From the Ac­tiv­ity Pat­terns. US2007002890 (A1), Ua90084 (C2), 2010-04-12.

Method and Ap­pa­ra­tus for the Smooth Disas­so­ci­a­tion of Sta­tions From Ac­cess Points in a 802.11 Wlan. US2016277664 (A1)E, s2328813 (T3), 2009-11-18.

Method and De­vice Us­ing Ran­dom­ized Hough Trans­form for De­tect­ing Ra­dio Sys­tems With Pe­ri­odic Emis­sion Pat­tern. US2008253350 (A1), 2008-10-16.

Method and Sys­tem for Dy­namic Con­fig­u­ra­tion of a Transceiver. At392072 (T), 2008-04-15.

Method and Sys­tem for the Al­lo­ca­tion of Uwb Trans­mis­sion Based on Spec­trum Op­por­tu­ni­ties. Tw200614734 (a), 2006-05-01.

Method for Ac­cess to a Medium by a Multi-chan­nel De­vice. US2016088654 (A1), 2016-03-24.

Method, Net­work and Con­trol Sta­tion for the Two-way Al­ter­nate Con­trol of Ra­dio Sys­tems of Dif­fer­ent Stan­dards in the Same Fre­quency Band. US2002168979 (A1), 2002-11-14.

Meth­ods to Re­solve Tsf Timer Am­bi­gu­ity of Ieee 802.11e Sched­ule Ele­ment. Za200602300 (B), 2007-07-25.

Net­work With Sev­eral Sub­net­works. US2011280253 (A1), 2011-11-17.

Power Sav­ing for Multi-hop Com­mu­ni­ca­tions. US2015029916 (A1), 2015-01-29.

Reli­able Vis­i­ble Light Com­mu­ni­ca­tion With Dark Light Syn­chro­niza­tion. US2014341589 (A1), 2014-11-20.

Re­source Reser­va­tion in Trans­mis­sion Net­works. Tw200420051 (a), 2004-10-01.

Sys­tem and Method for Manag­ing Lo­ca­tion Ser­vices in Wire­less Net­works. US2014323150 (A1), 2014-10-30.

Sys­tem and Method for Op­por­tunis­tic Spec­trum-shar­ing by Spec­trum Agile Ra­dios (Sara). Kr20080021699 (a), 2008-03-07.

Sys­tem and Method for Shar­ing Band­width Between Co-lo­cated 802.11a/e and Hiper­lan/2 Sys­tems. US2002093929 (A1), 2002-07-18.

Sys­tem and Method for Spec­i­fi­ca­tion of the Start Time for Tak­ing Mea­sure­ment. Ua90845 (C2), 2010-06-10.

Sys­tem and Method for Spec­i­fy­ing Mea­sure­ment Re­quest Start Time. Es2507090 (T3), 2014-10-14.

Vis­i­ble Light Com­mu­ni­ca­tion With Flick­er­ing Preven­tion. US2013266325 (A1), 2013-10-10.

Wire­less Sys­tem Con­tain­ing a First Net­work and a Se­cond Net­work. US2004022219 (A1), 2004-02-05.

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